Always Check Your ''Chiropractor/Witchdoctor's'' Credentials!!!

We went to a lovely place called Puerto Escondido. When they tell you not to swim then you should listen. The waves were a bit rough, and there were surfers out so we thought it would be fine if we body surfed. The waves were bigger than the Gulf's during a hurricane. Apparently this place is referred to as the Mexican Pipeline, and they hold international surfing competitions here. Unfortunately, I wrenched my neck a bit(I am fine). The next day we went to a paradise like place called Zipolite(this is a picture from our $20 hotel cabana). And again with the body surfing. I woke in the middle of the night with incredible pain. I woke Adam early and told him that I needed to go to the hospital. Our cab driver talked me into going to a 'chiropractor' that was well known for his great chiropracting(?) and it would be much cheaper. I thought this was a marvelous idea. We pull into an alley, and our cab driver runs from door to door for 20 minutes looking for this 'great healer'. Interestingly enough we were parked in front of his house. He was just getting out of the shower(and for you old school wrestling fans, he looked just like George 'the animal' Steele. For you others, he was really big and mean looking.).
He welcomed me into his home where he used every sort of torture technique that I think that there could be(except for Chinese water torture). I have never been in so much pain. Hopefully, the picture of my back shows up. It does not do justice to the site of my bruises as I can barely lie down without whimpering. Those particular bruises were caused by him putting some lit matches on my back and then covering them with a drinking glass. This extinguished the matches and the smoke ate all of the air, and it created the most horrendous suction device that I have ever had the pleasure of being around. This drinking glass, now full of two handfulls of my skin, muscle, spinal cord, etc... was moved around my body(by moved, I mean dragged with tremendous force). After 2 hours, yes 2 hours, of this he showed some mercy and let me off the table. I never let him see me cry, which I am really proud of. I did, however, scream like a dying cat. He told me that I was absolutely forbidden to travel for 3 days, and he wanted to see me again in the morning. Like a good patient I told him that of course I would go straight to bed at the nearest hotel and return to receive his healing the first thing in the morning. We left and went straight to the bus station to purchase the first available 12 hour overnight trip ticket out of town, way out of town. He was a very nice man, and my neck does feel a lot better. However, if anyone ever drags you into their garage to work on you then please look for their diploma before the session begins.
Ya'll should never be allowed to go anywhere by yourselves.
that is absolutely ridiculous.
Zach you are so dumb!!
That "sucks." Aha, get it?
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