Tal and Dikla

We met this very nice couple in Mexico City and went on a couple of excursions together. They are from Israel. Tal is from Jerusalem and Dikla is from Tel Aviv. Here we are standing on the 3rd largest pyramid in the world. I can´t spell it though. We have recently parted ways, but hope to reunite in Oaxaca or Guatemala. Adam and I have been talking about our time with these two, and we fear that they may think that we are a gay couple. We never really mentioned that we were brothers. As you can see, I have a man bag which can easily be misconstrued as a purse. Also, you can see that Adam is extremely feminine. I ran out of shirts so I am in a sleeveless(I normally don´t like to expose the guns as many find them to be very scary yet appealing) and a lot of gay travellers that we have seen don´t wear sleeves. I know what you are thinking, ¨Zach, you are the most masculine person that I know, not to mention the hottest¨. Don´t worry, I know. However, Adam´s girliness counteracts my manliness. Anywho, Tal and Dikla if you are reading this, Adam is my brother. And I, at least, am straight.
"Man bag." Yeah...that's the ticket...
Hmm, why don't you just sacrifice them on that ritual pyramid there. you know bring back the old flavor, I hear the locals might like it. Perhaps throw adam in, you know reenact that scene from beastmaster when he throws the kid in the firepit. Sometimes late at night I fantasize about what it would be like to see mancows body simmering, but you know that's just me. -elblancodiablo
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