Tip #37: Don't Spit Your Drink On A Mean Snake(They seem to not like it)

This boa constrictor is over 10 feet long. Story: We are playing pool, and our waiter comes over and asks us if we would like to see a huge snake. How could we refuse that? Our friends Alex and Kevin were with us(many stories to come on shinanigans with these two) and we went to view the snake. It was in the parking lot doing what snakes do. Eventually everyone left except for Alex, the snake, and I. The snake was surprisingly calm. So as Alex and I watched this amazing creature something came over him, and he did what any of us would do in this situation. He spit his drink on the snake. I have never heard such a loud prolonged hiss. The snake was suddenly pissed off, and we screached with joy. The restaurant now had a 10+ foot problem on their hands, and we had the rest of our nights entertainment set, free of charge. For the next couple of hours we got to watch them try to capture this reptile. They called an environmental agency that didn't like us taking pictures of the snake(they probably wouldn't like us spitting on the snake either, but oh well). They couldn't get the snake to cooperate so they took a break. I tried to pay Adam to tell them that he worked for a zoo in the States and that his expertise was snake capture with an emphasis on 10ft boa constrictors from Costa Rica at night. Sadly, Adam would not comply. Unfortunately, they got him in a bag without anyone getting eaten, and our night ended.